Physical therapy Women health

We offer therapy for a variety of conditions including:  

  • Pregnancy-related pain - includes examination of the spine and pelvis, low back pain and teaching exercises for abdominal muscles to get back body shape after delivery.   
  • Osteoporosis - therapy to achieve postural corrections, activity modification and specific weight-bearing exercise programs to minimize their risk of fractures.   
  • Urinary Incontinence - 1 out of 4 women and 1 out of 10 men suffer from urinary incontinence. Menopause, child birth and pelvic trauma which weaken the pelvic muscles, obesity, neurological disturbances are some of contributing factors of incontinence. Often laughing, sneezing, coughing may reproduce the symptoms. 

GET WELL doctors offer very good care for such patients, through bladder training, habit training, pelvic floor muscles exercise and electrical stimulation and TENS application if necessary.